Wide Emblem

Ulmer says that we are not unique.  Our experiences are similar, and that makes us what we are.  The way I see it is that although we are not unique, we can still be different.  I mean, that only makes sense, right?  We're not all robots; just looking at our classroom not one person is alike.  Just because our experiences may not be unique, may not be special, but the fact that we have had (literally) different experiences is special enough.  I'm going to hang onto that thought, because without it .. well, that's just too depressing to think about.



The punctums are through with.  Now what?  It's time to define how I think, or .. what I think.  The way we recalled all of our past images through the exercises and discourses seemed to be a microcosm of the idea of a Community Discourse - my own past experiences have shaped my essence, while I am still responsible for my community's actions however long before I was even born.  I think it's odd that we ended with the community discourse, because in my mind it seems like it's the beginning of everything in my life.  That is, because, well, it started before my life.  To that extent, probably all of the discourses should have been done in reverse order .. but maybe that's the point.  If we started big and started focusing down to our careers, it's easy to be derailed; the way we did it, we're going from small to big (wide?), to hopefully explore areas of our psyches that we never really thought about. 


 This is what I feel like I am trying to do.  Coming from a community steeped in traditions and set values, I need to make my way out of the comfort and safety of my default culture.







Kind of lame to use a movie, but this kind of displays the goal of my mystory. Breaking out of the mold, but in terms of public policy and religion wars, staying civil about it.


"In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight."